A Year in Review 2021-2022
February 2021
AmCham Gibraltar raises £1,000 in funds for AmCham Ukraine.
March 2021
AmCham EU Conference in Brussels
James Lasry, President of AmCham Gibraltar attends the AmCham EU conference in Brussels. Amongst many special guests, was the Ambassador for the EU, Mark Gitenstein.
April 2021
Visit by Tychetools directors
AmCham received a visit by Tychetools directors Luis Semprun and Joaquin Rodriguez. They visited the Eisenhower Room and Continent 8's headquarters with Luis Garcia. Following from there, they met up with member Daniel Hook from Gibtelecom.
Brenda VanHorn, Senior Commercial Counselor, US Embassy London gets appointed to the board of AmCham Gibraltar
Brenda VanHorn, Senior Commercial Counselor, US Embassy London gets appointed to the board of AmCham Gibraltar. She pays Gibraltar a visit on the 31st of March- 1st of April and we hosted her at the Sunborn Gibraltar for a drinks and canapés reception with AmCham Gibraltar members.
May 2021
Memorial Day
A day when we pay tribute to the fallen. We published an article in the Gibraltar Chronicle to honor all the American servicemen who fought in Gibraltar.
AmChams in Europe - Transatlantic Conference 2021
June 2021
A Roundtable with the Economic Development Partnership in North Carolina was held on the 3rd of June. The virtual event was presented by Mary Clare Freeman and James Lasry with Colin on the panel.
July 4th- Indepence Day, Alameda Gardens
His Excellency the Governor, Sir David Steel, His Worship, The Mayor, Christian Santos, Minister, Sir Joe Bossano, CBF Steven Dainton, other distinguished guests and AmCham members got together to celebrate Independence Day at The Alameda Gardens. The event was attended by over 40 guests and was very kindly sponsored by Form-A-Co.
August 2021 - Sister Cities Youth Leadership Summit
Louis Lemmon from Prior Park School participates in the yearly Youth Leadership Summit where over 1,000 students come together to discuss and work on matters that matter for the future.
October 2021 - AmChams in Europe
Best Practices Conference 2021
November 2021
Thanksgiving Charity Gala Dinner
AmCham Gibraltar organised the Gala dinner in aid of Calpe House. Unfortunately and due to Covid 19, the event had to be cancelled a week before after HM Government's advise.
Remembrance Sunday 2021
December 2021
Sister Cities Gibraltar raises £1,000 in funds for Nazareth House.
Amcham News
- AmCham EU Transatlantic Conference, Brussels
- Congressional Dinner with keynote speaker Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez
- A Year in Review 2022-2023
- A Year in Review 2021-2022
- July 4th- Independence Day, Alameda Gardens
- Roundtable on June 3rd with the EDPNC (Economic Development Partnership North Carolina).
- AmCham Meets with SRG Europe
- Memorial Day
- Rebooting the Transatlantic Economy
- Press Release: Suzanne Clark, New President and Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- Women History Month Competition
- Futures Forward Academy Launch
- Thanksgiving 2020
- Independence Day 2020
- ACE Joint Statement