Impressive Percentage of Qualified Young People
Although a small territory, Gibraltar has an impressive percentage of qualified young people. In Gibraltar, due to the educational system, students go to study in UK after they finish high school. This means that all the Gibraltarian youth is bilingual (Spanish-English) and many of them also speak Arab and/or other European languages such as Italian or French.
Gibraltar Graduates
Due to Gibraltar´s main economic focus on the IT, e-gaming, and financial services industries, most Gibraltarian students graduate from IT, engineering, economics or law studies.
Amcham News
- AmCham EU Transatlantic Conference, Brussels
- Congressional Dinner with keynote speaker Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez
- A Year in Review 2022-2023
- A Year in Review 2021-2022
- July 4th- Independence Day, Alameda Gardens
- Roundtable on June 3rd with the EDPNC (Economic Development Partnership North Carolina).
- AmCham Meets with SRG Europe
- Memorial Day
- Rebooting the Transatlantic Economy
- Press Release: Suzanne Clark, New President and Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- Women History Month Competition
- Futures Forward Academy Launch
- Thanksgiving 2020
- Independence Day 2020
- ACE Joint Statement